B5 Systems Enhanced Sopmod Buttstock
B5 Systems has taken the venerable design of the Crane NSWC designed SOPMOD buttstock and incorporated the features sought by military professionals and firearm enthusiasts.
The Enhanced SOPMOD features color matched steel hardware, one piece anti-rotation quick disconnect sling mounts, non-slip cushioned buttpad, sure grip stock latch, and dual water resistant storage compartments.
- Ergonomic cheek weld
- Color-matched steel hardware
- Overmolded steel anti-rotational QD sling mounts
- Fixed sling mounts
- No slip cushioned butt pad
- Suregrip stock latch
- Dual storage compartments
- Made of Milspec materials and finishes
- Fits all Milspec AR15 receiver extensions
Pull the adjustment lever down and away from the stock body. While holding the adjustment lever away from the stock body, slide the stock onto the receiver extension. Once the stock is on the receiver extension, then release the adjustment lever to allow the stock to fully engage with the receiver extension.
Battery Tubes:
1) Remove the stock from the receiver extension tube.
2) Twist the battery tube cap towards the slot opening (center of the stock).
3) Pull the battery tube from the buttstock. Note: the flat side of the battery tube must be positioned towards the center of the buttstock.
1) Pull cap from battery tube.
- Weight: 12.2 oz
- Length: 7.43 in
- Width: 2.4 in
- Height: 4.93 in
Excellent Stock! Well made, very tight and extremely solid! Shipping and service from SKD is always great!
A bit tight
I got the stock in and I wish I could give it 5 stars. The cheek weld is awesome and the stock is VERY comfortable. The reason it gets four stars is two fold; first, it was WAYYY to tight when I got it in. It took too people to adjust it, one pulling on the gun, one pulling on the stock. I will say it has loosened up to adjusted by one person now with a lot of effort (I guess it could be worse and it could wobble :)) my second issue only arises because of the first; you have to take the stock off to get to the storage tubes. I will never be using them as it is a complete pain to move the stock. I will finish by saying that I am incredibly happy with the stock's feel and while it may be too tight, it has ZERO WOBBLE.
Nice and Wide
This stock is great! The fit on my receiver extension is very tight, with only a tiny amount of fore to aft wobble, if the stock is fully extended. The extra width makes for a very comfortable cheek weld, and it ballances out legacy quad rail handguard systems. Be advised; the stock must be completely removed from the receiver extension, in order to access the two storage compartments. Overall, this is a great piece of kit.
bravo b5 enhanced
Excellent product, fit very good, very little rattle, fit and finish is excellent. The FDE is uniform and well balanced. The only thing I hadn't considered was that you need to remove the stock before opening the storage caps. I rate this piece 4.5 stars
Great service!
SKD has fast service, and the b5 sopmod stock is worth every penny. You can buy with confidence from SKD.
Great Stock
Fits the buffer tube just right. No rattle at all. 87% better than any other stock I've used. I would feel so tier 1, if only mom would let me move out of her basement...
Everything but the kitchen sink
I was looking for a buttstock that I could put against my shoulder, get a good cheek weld on and attatch a QD, and this does all three without any extra bulk or unnecessary structure or gimmicks. It's rock solid and looks good.
Great product! Great service!
I knew the B5 SOPMOD was going to be an excellent product. I also knew the SKD Ninjas would be all over my order and get it to me ASAP. This is not my first time doing business with SKD and it won't be my last. The SKD Ninjas are right up there with the Keebler elves. SKD... Check!!!
Love this stock!
Just sold the LMT SOPMOD to replace it with this stock, for one reason only: the Anti-Rotation QD Socket. No more sling getting twisted!!! The B5 is a lot lighter in color than the LMT, but the Fit & Finish is just as good. SKD once again did not disappoint, with Ninja Fast Shipping.