Magpul MOE SL Grip
Similar to the MOE-K2, the MOE SL Grip is a drop-in upgrade for AR15/M4 pistol grips with a more vertical grip angle optimized for short LOP weapons that bring the primary hand in closer to the shooter's body. With an aggressive new texture for positive weapon control along with excellent ergonomics, the SL Grip provides a slightly smaller size and slimline feel.
All mounting hardware included.
NOTE: This grip will function properly with 7.62 NATO AR10/SR25 style of rifles but, depending on the make of the rifle, may or may not leave a gap between the 'beaver tail' and the receiver. This gap is purely aesthetic and will not affect function.
Made in U.S.A.
decent upgrade from the MOE grrip
same angle as the magpul MOE grip, was doing a color change so I thought I'd go for this since I've always kinda hated the compartment on the MOE grip... Nice aggressive (but not too much) grip pattern and over all great grip... would buy again
great slim grip
I love the texture...rough, but not too rough...excellent slip free grip....noticably slimmer than all my other grips....very nice overall.
Perfect Grip
Absolutely wowed by the texturing, enjoy the profile, and great quality. Magpul just determined my default AR grip choice.