SKD Benghazi Sticker
Would a major terrorist attack on US sovereign soil that resulted in the death of a US Ambassador and 3 other US citizens be considered problematic for a President trying to get re-elected in 56 days? Apparently the President thought so- enough that the CIA talking points regarding the attack were distorted to subvert a debate on the actual facts.
We're not saying the President wanted Americans harmed in any way- let's not be ridiculous. What we are saying is that he and his administration perpetrated a cover-up of election-changing proportions and kept the dialog in the election campaign about his opponent having a car elevator in his garage.
This sticker is a subtle "F-U" to all those political leaders who think all Americans are as ignorant as they make us out to be. Display this sticker with pride and y ou'll be able to distinguish your fellow informed Patriot from the rest of the sheeple out there by who compliments your sticker, and who asks you if "Ben Ghazi" is a celebrity.
This 4" x 6" Vinyl (4 mil) UV protected sticker is available in Arid, Black or Red for $2.50 each, or 3 for $5 exclusively at SKD.
If this sticker speaks to you, please forward this to a friend.
Your Friends at SKD.
Making new friends daily. Seriously. Everyone loves this sticker.
Great way to remember and respect Benghazi
The color combo is great and its hilarious to see people realize what it says after looking at it for a couple seconds and acquiring a shit eating grin on their face. Great way to remember the heroes and loss of the whole incident and do so with a little humor. Hella cool sticker, just like everything else SKD has.
#NEVERHILLARY #NotAnyonesPresident
Bought this bad boy right before the election so I could slap it on my bumper next to my "Hillary for Prison" sticker when I rolled up to the polls. SKD was awesome enough to add my contribution to the anti-Hillary fund AND sent me a whole bunch of extra stickers and swag. This sticker was also a great place to stick my dumb little hashtag "I voted" sticker after the fact. "Why'd you stick Ben's nametag and poll sticker on your truck? Do you know Mr. Ghazi?" ..awesome
Remember Ben Ghazi
These are the best. Subtlety is my favourite variety of humor, and this sticker delivers! They really help separate the humans from the sheep: "Who is Ben Ghazi?" they ask. The longer it takes for them to finally get the reference, the greater my laughter and the lesser my faith in humanity. Awesome.
Never forget
Love this sticker have the patches as well