![PIG BRIG Mk-2 Shoulder Pad Set (2 Pads) [SYSTEMA] PIG BRIG Mk-2 Shoulder Pad Set (2 Pads) [SYSTEMA]](https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-6h9400zs31/images/stencil/300x300/products/10866/55210/PIG.704-2__92134.1697981343.jpg?c=1)
PIG AFC Pontoon Set (2 Pads) [SYSTEMA]
NOTE ON SYSTEMA: All PIG items with "[SYSTEMA]" in the product title are related to the PIG Brig Plate Carrier and PIG Brig Chest Rig product family. Please refer to the product descriptions for how each respective SYSTEMA product relates to the product family.
The ALL-NEW PIG Air-Flow/Comfort (AFC) Pontoons (Pat. Pend.) enhance the capabilities of current and up-coming PIG designs, including the PIG Brigandine Plate Carrier and the PIG gRUNT Modular Pack.
Based on the wildly popular airflow channel pads on the PIG Plate Carrier, the AFC Pontoons give you the same comfort and ventilation performance, while providing the user the option of removal when needed. The AFC Pontoon Set can be added to the back or front carrier, or you can order 2 sets to add padding and ventilation to both.
For PIG BRIG Plate Carrier users, AFC Pontoons are perfect when wearing the BRIG with stand-alone plates over a shirt to provide ventilation, padding and additional comfort. When wearing the BRIG over soft armor, simply remove the AFC Pontoons to minimize stand-off as ventilation on top of a soft armor vest is moot.
When using the PIG gRUNT Modular Pack as a stand-alone day pack, the AFC Pontoons provide rigidity and comfort to compliment the PIG Shoulder Straps perfectly. Look for additional upcoming PIG designs that utilize the AFC Pontoons.
Made in USA!
Excellent product
Great upgrade to any plate carrier that can accept them. I live in NC and in the summer my LBT 6094 gets ridiculously hot during military ops; the PiG Pontoons help reduce that suffering. I had a tailor sew strips of velcro into the interior of my plate carrier and they work perfectly.
PIG AFC Pontoons
Nice addition for airflow, would recommend in hot environments.
First impression: good quality overall.ñ and Perfect size. Seems that it will do the work that it’s designed for. S&H was fast, despite the current situation. Cool sticker as a bonus. Great customer service (they contacted me to verify the zip code, and in fact I made an error when ordering it). Thanks
Excellent Quality of Life improvement
Adds very little to the overall profile of the carrier, but allows more breathing room. Also, the pontoons on the back seem to add a bit of spine support, so that's nice.
Provided the standoff needed to stop unwanted chaffing and provide better airflow.
Must buy for cushion and ventilation
Wearing a plate carrier or pack gets hot and sticky. This was definitely worth the extra change.
Pig Pontoon's + AVS
Used these Pontoon's on my Crye AVS harness. Now it fits like a glove without spending another $70 bucks on AVS pads. Really well made too!! Thanks SKD!!
Comfy and worth the price
Spinal comfort for wearing my SOHPC for 12+ hours at a time in a truck, keeps the base of the plate from digging into your spine
Very helpful in warm weather.
They do help with airflow to some degree. I am running a 6094 with multicurve plates. There is a noticeable difference with increased comfort after they were put on the back of my plate carrier. I plan on getting another pair for the front as well. I wish they were a tad bit thicker, like a eight of an inch.