With the advent of the hate group #blacklivesmatter, the arrival of our StL LE support patches was a timely surprise. We had almost forgotten we ordered these on the heels of the Ferguson 1.0 protests, to support the StL Law Enforcement community and Officer Darren Wilson. We are now seeing anti-police hatred reach an all-time high, with #blacklivesmatter radicals calling for the wanton murder of police officers. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like the vitriol will stop anytime soon. Lies such as "Hands up don't shoot" are still being perpetuated as a rallying call, and criminals such as Michael Brown are still being lauded as martyrs.
While we understand that there are a few bad apples in every profession (the LE community being no exception), we at SKD are strong supporters of Law Enforcement and the role they play in keeping us safe at home. This patch represents support of LEO's everywhere in America, with a nod towards St. Louis, which besides being home to SKD, has served as the birthplace of the modern Police-Hate movement. Our rendition of the St. Louis flag is represented in subdued Black and Grey colors, with the thin blue line representing support for the LE community.
We are also offering a "We Are Darren Wilson" version of the patch, with "W.A.D.W." overlaid on the flag. 100% of all patch proceeds will go towards an LE charity that we select. Based on Charity Navigator, the highest scoring LE charity is the "100 Club of Arizona", so our current plan is to direct our contributions there. If you have other national level LE charities you'd like to suggest, make sure they have transparency in their finances, and send us an email with your suggestion. We hope you appreciate our StL #bluelivesmatter Patch and wear it with pride! Your friends at SKD.
buy this.
Cop or not. Buy this patch. Let the world know that we stand behind each other. The current divide we have today between the blue and the black hasn't been this prevalent since the 60s/70's. We don't have it half as bad as they did, but we are not that far away. You are for us, or against us, there is no neutral. If you are, get the fuck out of our way we have shit to do and no time for your pinko fuckery.
Blue Lives Matter
Thanks for making support for this cause possible. Every day we find reasons to support the good they do in this world.
blue lives matter support patch
Blue lives matter support patch came in the mail extremely quick and very satisfied with the quickly the quality of patch was nicer in person than I thought it would be skd was easy to order from and will do future business with them from now on